Instruct My Heart

Spent the weekend with the dear Declare community. It will take me a good week to process all God spoke as I sat basking in the God-initiated projects, process and proclamations. I had passionate desire to plop down at my computer this morning and smack out a post to give you a window into all God did, but the flat bottom line is that I am still unfurling it's glory. If you will be patient with me I promise to untangle more of what God spoke in the posts ahead...Today, though, I am wanting to quickly focus and have us give breath to a single prayer that resonated with me over the weekend.

"Lord, instruct my heart."

Thursday night I sat shoulder to shoulder with a panel of alumni speakers and shared not to be tempted to go dark on God, on yourself or on the projects stirred up by your calling.  Life has a way of swallowing us up. Sitting on the panel Thursday night I made the statement, "You need to become spiritual ninjas in your callings" and I meant every word.  The enemy of our souls wants to dictate the motivations of our hearts.  If we have surrendered our hearts to God the enemy cannot have our hearts, but he sure can tempt us into a forgetful posture. The craftiness of his deception desires to lull our minds, distract our perspectives, disillusion our sharpness towards the gospel message to our communities, our families, our friends, our work environments or ourselves.BUT this simple prayer is like a stick of spiritual dynamite motivating a renewed perspective and grants passage for The King of Glory to reign supreme in our thoughts, our activities, our communities, our hearts and our lives.

"Lord, instruct my heart...."

Instruct my heart on how to think about my reality.

Instruct my heart on how to operate in my reality.

Instruct my heart on how to thrive in my reality.

Instruct my heart on how to be bold in my reality.

Instruct my heart on how to live in forgiveness in my reality.

Instruct my heart on how to trust you in my reality.

Instruct my heart on how to walk with grace in my reality.

Instruct my heart on how to steward well the schedule in my reality.

I need heart instruction.  We all need heart instruction.  If I am not intentionally gaining direction from the Lord I am being assaulted by the world and it's ragged run. Without heart instruction I live in a reactionary lifestyle, instead of a God-seeking visionary lifestyle. There is no in-between.  I have no idea what could be weighing down your heart in worry or tempting you to live out reactionary days, but my desire is that you would place very specific surrenders over what you need God to take over in instructing your heart, mind, soul, reality and life with.  Pull your heart into order.  Do not be general.  Be specific over the places where you need God to instruct your heart, passions, schedule or tongue.  This simple prayer is humble, receptive to accountability and filled with the anticipation of being loved and led well by the Lord.Instruction leads to wisdom, wisdom leads to revelation, revelation ultimately produces fruit and by gosh, this year is gonna produce some faith-filled intentionally grown fruit in Jesus Name!

"Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice; at the head of the noisy streets she cries out; at the entrance of the city gates she speaks." {Proverbs 1:20-21}



More than tiptoes and twirls | Dancing Angels


Contagious J O Y